Welcome to MTA Bus Finder! This app helps you track New York City buses in real-time, providing up-to-date information about bus arrivals and departures across the city's extensive network.


How It Works

Our application uses the MTA Bus Time API to provide real-time information about bus locations and arrival times. Simply allow location access, select a destination, or type in an address to see nearby bus stops and upcoming arrivals.


Simply allow location access, select a predefined destination, or enter an address to see nearby bus stops and live bus tracking.
Yes, myNYCbus is completely free to use.
We use the MTA Bus Time API, which generally provides accurate, real-time updates. However, there may be occasional inaccuracies. There is a known issue where the API can return the same direction even if the correct direction is different please be cautious of the data displayed. If something doesn't look right, please contact the MTA for details.
Text your bus stop code or intersection To: 511123 while you’re on your way to the bus stop. Keep in mind: Be sure to insert a space between bus stop code or intersection and bus route (such as 103903 Bx39 or Port Richmond Av and Orange Av S59). Some bus stops have multiple routes. To get the bus arrival information for just one route at the stop, include the bus route in your text To: 511123.
You may visit the MTA website or reference our schedules page.
While we use MTA's Bus Time API, we are not directly affiliated with the MTA. If you would like to contact the MTA please go to the MTA website.

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We are not affiliated with the MTA.